Yachts Under Construction
Yacht owners and building yards wishing to register a Large Commercial Yacht with the Isle of Man should inform the Ship Registry their intentions as early as possible in the build process. The earlier we begin our involvement with a project, the more we can help.
During a yacht’s newbuild process, the attending surveyor will normally visit the yard on three occasions:
- An initial meeting to review the vessel’s design with the building yard, the designated Class Society, and the owner’s representative. At this meeting, we appoint Class to undertake the majority of plan approval and surveys on our behalf, discuss the division of work for the project and identify any issues arising from the proposed design.
- A mid-build survey during which construction is generally examined, structural fire protection is inspected, and outstanding issues and proposed equivalent arrangements are discussed and agreed. This survey is normally undertaken in the company of the attending Class surveyor.
- A final survey shortly before delivery during which compliance with the Large Commercial Yacht Code is confirmed. In addition, all yachts are subjected to an interim MLC Code inspection. Yachts of 500GT and above are subjected to interim audits to confirm compliance with the ISM and ISPS Codes.
The appointed Isle of Man surveyor will liaise with all parties throughout the project, answering queries and assisting with the registration process.
A fixed fee is charged for our attendance as detailed above. This fee includes costs associated with surveys, audits, flights, registration and the issue of initial certification.
Please contact the Principal Surveyor at marine.survey@gov.im for a bespoke quotation.