Greek Yacht Registration (Private/Charter) Packages
We, here at International Ship Registries (Worldwide) LLC, offer you the best and cheapest Greek private and commercial yacht registration packages to enable you to privately (as a pleasure yacht) and commercially (as a charter yacht) exploit your yacht in Greece and all the other countries of the European Union (EU).
And this even without the need to set-up a Greek Shipping Company for that!
We are offering the cheapest real packages and most-comprehensive (all-inclusive) on the market today, having behind us the history, experience, expertise, and know-how of International Ship Registries (Worldwide) LLC. We have started in 1998 our Ship & Yacht Registrations business, thus we became Deputy Registrar for the Commonwealth of Dominica Flag from 2003 to 2014 for Greece; Deputy Registrar for the Republic of Palau Flag from 2013 to 2017 for Germany (Hamburg area); Official Representative for the Antigua & Barbuda Flag from 2017 to 2018 for Greece & Cyprus.
Greece, the country with the largest Charter Industry in the European Union, currently offers the most attractive commercial registration packages for Charter Yachts from all countries of the European Union.
All should be conducted through our Piraeus, Greece office!
In the above context, we are offering (a) straight/standalone packages (by using the Greek Flag as the sole Flag State option of the charter yacht) and (b) mixed packages (by using the Polish Commercial Yacht Registration as the basis of the Flag State option, or other applicable Flag States). In a nutshell, Charter Yachts that would be flying the Greek Flag and Charter Yachts that would be flying the Poland’s Flag (or any other Flag, either European or other)! And either of them working as Charter Yachts in Greece and all the other countries of the European Union.
Benefits of the Greek commercial yacht registration
• You do NOT pay any tax on profits of your Yacht Charter Company in Greece
• You do NOT pay VAT on the purchase/import of your Yacht (we provide confirmation by the relevant Authority that your boat should be engaged in open-charters in order to avoid paying applicable VAT in your case)
• Reduced VAT rate for charters within the Greek territorial waters (for open-sea charters)
• Reduced VAT rate for charters outside the Greek territorial waters (for open-sea charters)
• Fuel & maintenance costs are VAT-free
• No crew requirements for yachts under 24 meters
• Fuel and maintenance costs VAT free
• Very limited formalities on embarkation in Greece; no formalities on disembarkation in Greece
• And many other benefits…
Our Packages
1. PLEASURE BOATS up to 24 meters. Registration under the Greek Registry and the Greek Flag. Complete (all-inclusive) package that includes the Greek Flag Registration; measurement, radio licensing; all permissions for navigation, etc. For boats up to 07 meters (the cost is 800.00 EUR only); for boats between 07-12 meters (the cost is 1,400.00 EUR only); for boats between 12-24 meters (the cost is 3,500.00 EUR only)
2. COMMERCIAL BOATS up to 24 meters. Registration under the Greek Registry and the Greek Flag. Complete (all-inclusive) package that includes the Greek Flag Registration and establishment of Greek Yacht Shipping Company (NEPA) to own the boat (which is 100% tax-free on its profits); measurement, radio licensing; all applicable surveys (surveys could be conducted outside of Greece at an additional cost to be determined for the owner); registration with all pertinent administrative bodies in Greece; all technical/safety licensing; charter licensing; legal representation; accounting; virtual premises; legal assistance; in other words, everything from A to Z to enable your good boat to engage commercially in Greece (and abroad) with peace-of-mind for you & your charter operation! The cost is 4,950.00 EUR only (initial cost and 1st year’s fees), whereas the total cost for the 2nd and subsequent years (it includes legal representation, accounting, premises, etc.) should be 3,950.00 EUR!
We will need the following from the owner:
• Photo engine plate & outside photos of the boat (especially where it bears its name)
• Photo of the hull number appearing on the boat & photo of CE plate
• Yacht’s operator passport/ID Card
• Owner’s Passport/ID Card
• Director’s Passport (in case of owning company)
• Radio operator’s license (mandatory)
• Sales Agreement or Bill of Sale
• Tonnage Certificate and/or Survey Report and/or Builder’s Certificate and/or CE Certificate and/or Boat’s Manual
• Any EU skipper’s license
• Precise name. model, serial number, CE number of the Radio Equipment onboard & EPIRB
• DELETION CERTIFICATE from previous flag (we can assist to obtain deletion from previous Flag)!
3. COMMERCIAL BOATS up to 24 meters. Registration under the Polish Registry and the Polish Commercial Flag. Complete (all-inclusive) package that includes the Polish Flag Registration; measurement, radio licensing; all applicable surveys (surveys could be conducted outside of Greece at an additional cost to be determined for the owner); registration with all pertinent administrative bodies in Greece; all technical/safety licensing; charter licensing; legal representation; accounting; virtual premises; legal assistance; in other words, everything from A to Z to enable your good boat to engage commercially in Greece (and abroad) with peace-of-mind for you & your charter operation! The cost is 3,950.00 EUR only (initial cost and 1st year’s fees), whereas the total cost for the 2nd and subsequent years (it includes legal representation, accounting, premises, etc.) should be 1,950.00 EUR!
We will need the following from the owner:
• Photo engine plate & outside photos of the boat (especially where it bears its name)
• Photo of the hull number appearing on the boat & photo of CE plate
• Yacht’s operator passport/ID Card
• Owner’s Passport/ID Card
• Director’s Passport (in case of owning company)
• Radio operator’s license (mandatory)
• Sales Agreement or Bill of Sale
• Tonnage Certificate and/or Survey Report and/or Builder’s Certificate and/or CE Certificate and/or Boat’s Manual
• Any EU skipper’s license
• Precise name. model, serial number, CE number of the Radio Equipment onboard & EPIRB
• Polish Commercial Yacht Registration & MMSI (will be provided by us
• DELETION CERTIFICATE from previous flag (we can assist to obtain deletion from previous Flag)!
4. COMMERCIAL BOATS up to 24 meters. Registration under any other (pre-existing) Flag State (that the boat already hoists) & pre-existing owning company; measurement, radio licensing; all applicable surveys (surveys could be conducted outside of Greece at an additional cost to be determined for the owner); registration with all pertinent administrative bodies in Greece; all technical/safety licensing; charter licensing; legal representation; accounting; virtual premises; legal assistance; in other words ,everything from A to Z to enable your good boat to engage commercially in Greece (and abroad) with peace-of-mind for you & your charter operation! The cost is 3,650.00 EUR only (initial cost and 1st year’s fees), whereas the total cost for the 2nd and subsequent years (it includes legal representation, accounting, premises, etc.) should be 1,950.00 EUR!
We will need the following from the owner:
• Photo engine plate & outside photos of the boat (especially where it bears its name)
• Photo of the hull number appearing on the boat & photo of CE plate
• Yacht’s operator passport/ID Card
• Owner’s Passport/ID Card
• Director’s Passport (in case of owning company)
• Radio operator’s license (mandatory)
• Sales Agreement or Bill of Sale
• Tonnage Certificate and/or Survey Report and/or Builder’s Certificate and/or CE Certificate and/or Boat’s Manual
• Any EU skipper’s license
• Precise name. model, serial number, CE number of the Radio Equipment onboard & EPIRB
5. Greek Shipping Companies (NEPA). All-inclusive constitution, registration of those completely tax-free Greek owning companies. Ideal for your charter operation in Greece. The All-inclusive cost is 980.00 EUR only!
• Moreover, we can assist you with any other requirements you may be having. And we are one-click away only from you! Please email us to info@internationalshipregistries.com and we’ll be here to help!
The Management & Customer Service Team
Shipping Company (NEPA) - Greece
Commercial Boats up to 24M under Any Flag - Greece
Commercial Boats up to 24M under Polish Flag - Greece
Commercial Boats up to 24M under Greek Flag - Greece
Private Boats between 12M to 24M - Greece
Private Boats between 7M to 12M - Greece
Private Boats up to 7M - Greece