Pleasure Yachts Registration
Isle of Man Main Register (Part 1)
Part 1 of the register is available for registration of pleasure yachts. It records title and offers the facility to register a mortgage against a vessel.
The ownership criteria for vessels on this register can be found here.
The registration procedure is straightforward, and detailed instructions can be found on RAN 01.
Check name availability with the Registry by contacting registry.marine@gov.im.
Please see below for the list of forms and documents required for registration of a pleasure yacht:
Yacht Owned by Body Corporate
- Application to Register a Pleasure Yacht
- Appointment of Authorised Officer
- Declaration of Ownership (Body Corporate)
- Appointment of Representative Person**
- Bill of Sale if required*
- Builders’ Certificate if new build*
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Certificate of Survey***
- Tonnage Certificate(if over 24m)
- Deletion Certificate (if previously registered)
- Declaration of Yacht being used for Pleasure
- Bunker Oil Blue Card (if vessel over 1000 GT)
- Nairobi Wreck Removal Certificate (if vessel over 300 GT)
*These documents must be notarised if executed outside the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or British Dependencies
**Vessels over 24m in length if owned by a non-Isle of Man entity require the appointment of a local representative person, see RAN 15
*** Registry Advice Notes (RAN) provide further details regarding Class Certificates of Survey
• Under 24m
• Over 24m
Yacht Owned by Individual
- Application to Register a Pleasure Yacht
- Declaration of Ownership (Individual)
- Appointment of Representative Person**
- Bill of Sale if required*
- Builders’ Certificate if new build*
- Copy of Passport
- Certificate of Survey
- Tonnage Certificate (if over 24m)
- Deletion Certificate (if previously registered)
- Declaration of Yacht being used for Pleasure
- Bunker Oil Blue Card (if vessel over 1000 GT)
- Nairobi Wreck Removal Certificate (if vessel over 300 GT)
*These documents must be notarised if executed outside the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or British Dependencies
**Vessels over 24m in length if owned by a non-Isle of Man entity require the appointment of a local representative person, see RAN 15
*** Registry Advice Notes (RAN) provide further details regarding Class Certificates of Survey
• Under 24m
• Over 24m